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Hello, welcome to my personal site!
People love to label themselves, and me too. But labels hide thoughts and drop the real information.
On internet, I may use ‘ecnelises‘ as cyberspace ID, which is made by reversing word ‘silence‘ and append ‘es’ for a plural form. But I need to clarify that this is NOT a perfect connection – I may use other IDs, and there could be forgery.
I graduated from Tongji University (at Shanghai, China) years ago, studying philosophy and literature at freshman but graduated at school of software engineering. Feeling inferior because of NOT being a postgraduate.
Currently my work is focusing on compiler toolchains (especially LLVM project). I’m in favor of C++ and Ruby in programming languages, but also have interest in OCaml and Racket. For most of mainstream programming languages, I have confidence to mark as ‘familiar’.
I have wide (but shallow) source of fun, including surfing around internet memes, thinking about meaning of life, reinventing wheels (in code), cooking, karaoke and music lives.
This blog welcomes subscription (RSS is enabled). You can also follow my GitHub and ask me through qcf#ecnelises.com. This site may not update frequently, Mastodon usually has larger bandwidth.